BACCHUS   05     
Priape, son of Bacchus, is a outdoor divinity of Asian origin.
He was born deformed with enlarged sex organs.  Symbol of fecundity and virility, he is the protector of gardens and vineyards.

Evelyn De Morgan : Cadmus and Harmonie, mother of the Amazons (1877)

In his madness, Bacchus comes back to Europe.  He reaches Phrygia where he is greeted by a goddess, his grandmother, who purifies him and initiates him to the rites of her cult.

Q1 : Who is this goddess to the Romans?
a  Circes
b  Calliope
c  Cybèle

This great goddess of Phrygia, also called "Grand Mother" (Magna Mater), or Mother of the gods, was called by various names according to the regions:  goddess of Dindyme, of Ida, of the Bérécynthes, is the goddess of the earth and the animals.

Q2 : Who is this goddess for the Greeks?

a  Rhéa
b  Clytemnestra
c  Léda

Joachim Wtewael (1566-1638) : the wedding of Peleuse and Thetis

Delivered from his madness Dionysos reaches Thrace, where he is badly received by the king Lycurgue, who reigns on the banks of the Strymon.  Lycurgue tries to make the god a prisoner, but fails.  Dionysos runs away to Thetis, the Nereide, who gives him asylum in the sea.  

Q3 : Who are the Nereides?

a   the Charities
b   the Graces
c   the  nymphs of the sea

But Lycurgue throw in prison the Menades or Bacchantes: faithfuls of Bacchus.  Luckily they are miraculously freed.

Q4 : Who painted these nymphs?

a   William Holman Hunt
b  John William Waterhouse
c  Frederic George Stephens

Andrea Mantegna : The Introduction of the Culte of Cybele to Rome (1506)

Lycurgue is hit by a deadly madness, he cuts his leg and also cuts the extremities of his son.

Q5 : What did Lycurgue think he was cutting during his madness?

a   Bacchus' head
b   Bacchus' arms
c   the vineyard, sacred plant of his enemy Dionysos. l

his error Lycurgue also realizes that his country has been stricken with sterility.  When the oracle is questioned, it is revealed that the anger of Bacchus will only be appeased if Lycurgue is put to death.  It is the Edoniens who draw and quarter him tied to wild horses.

Q6 : Where does this episode take place?

a   On Mount Cithéron
b   On Mount  Olympus
c   On Mount  Pangéa

Q7 : What kind of instrument was played by Bacchus' followers to spread terror?

a   trombones
b   rhombs
c   horns

Bacchus as a young man

Q8 : Who painted this painting representing Bacchus as a young man?

a  Simeon Solomon
b  Paul Bril
c  Pierre Mignard

Q9 : On which animal is Bacchus often portrayed?

a   a giraffe
b   an antelope
c   a donkey

Q10 : What is the name of the double flute which the character with Bacchus plays?

a   a tibia
b   a fibula
c   a femur

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