BACCHUS   03     
One supposes that Bacchus is a foreign god, originating in Thrace and Asia Minor, introduced in Greece in the 6th century B.C.

Q1 : Who painted this work representing Bacchus as a child?

a   Watteau
b   François Boucher
c   Guido Reni

Q2 : What is the name of Bacchus' teacher who accompanies him everywhere?

a  Scylla
b  Silène
c  Styx

Q3 : What is the name of the young girls who follow Bacchus in his voyages?

a  the Dionysians
b  the Furies
c  the Bacchantes

Mercury giving Bacchus to the Nymphs

Q4 : Whose painting is this from  1732 ?

a   Géricault
b   François Boucher
c   Caravaggio

Q5 : What does Zeus transform the Nymph nurses of Dionysos into to thank them?

a  into flowers which decorate his crown 
b  into trees in the garden of Eden
c  into the stars in the constellation of the  Hyades

Q6 : Who painted this work (around 1597) representing Bacchus as a youth?

a   Manet
b   Goya
c   Caravaggio

Once an adult, Bacchus carries with him the vine which he plants and is praised as the god of  wine. Hera the recognizes him and, by one of her spells, makes him insane. Thus this beautiful and young demigod  eternally  wanders throughout a great part of the world.

Q7 : What is the name of the beings with hooves who also accompany him?

a  the  gnomes
b  the satyrs
c  the  elves

François Boucher : Mercury giving the child Bacchus to the Nymphs of Nysa (1769)

Q8 : What is the Greek word to designate the bacchantes?

a  the  Ménades
b  the Cerbères
c  the Naiades

Bacchus travels  the world accompanied by his teacher and an army of  Satyrs and of bacchantes, with weapons including a stick wrapped in  ivy, topped with a pine cone.

Q9 : What is the name of this weapon?

a   atalante
b   télèphe
c   thyrse

Pan et Psyche

Q10 : Who painted this work?

a   Burnes Jones
b   Rossetti
c   Waterhouse

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