BACCHUS & Icarios    11     
In Athens, the peasant Icarios receives the god Bacchus kindly.

Claes Moeyaert : triumph of Bacchus (1530)

Q1 : What reward does Icarios receive for his hospitality?

a   vineyards
b   the daughter of Bacchus
c   the gift of double vision

Bacchus gives some wine to Icarios so that he can spread the use of wine.  But the first people to taste it get drunk and think they have been poisoned.

Q2 : What happens to Icarios after that?

a   he becomes a priest 
b   he is elected king
c   he is killed by his drunk companions 

Q3 : When his daughter Erigonia finds this out, what does she do, which is then imitated by the young girls of Athens?

a   she gets revenge
b   she becomes speechless
c   she hangs herself

The Athenians take side with Icarios and the Bacchantes and institute a holiday in honor of Bacchus. A rite which was celebrated during the festival of  Anthestéria, commemorates the tragic love of    Dionysos et Érigonia.

Q4 : What was this rite?

a   young girls crush grapes with their feet
b   young girls were suspended from trees with a swing
c   young girls make cakes

Q5 : How does Erigonia's dog Maera who also went looking for Icarios, commit suicide?

a   he attacks a bull
b   he poisons himself
c   he throws himself in a well

Bacchus places Icarios, Erigonia and Maera among the stars and makes constellations of them.

Q6 : What is the constellation dedicated to Icarios? 

a   constellation of the Bull
b   constellation of Andromeda
c   constellation of the Bouvier

Q7 : What is the constellation dedicated to Erigonia?

a   constellation of Capricorn
b   constellation of Virgo
c   constellation of Aquarius

Q8 : Which star was dedicated to  Maera ?

a   the North star
b   the star of the Great Dog (Caniculus)
c   the star of the Shepherd

Q9 : Who describes the "killing madness" of which Bacchus' adversaries fall victim?

a  Hésiode: Théogonia
b  Ovid:  Metamorphoses
c  Homer: Iliad

Q10 : Who painted this work in 1745 representing Erigonia?

a   Georges de La Tour
b   Jacob Jordaens
c   Nicolas Poussin

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